Johnny's Luncheonette

Jon, an old high school friend, called me a few weeks ago over break to meet up. We were deciding on a place to go for brunch and finally chose Johnny’s Luncheonette, a place close to the both of us located on Langley Road in the heart of Newton Center.

Upon entry of Johnny’s Luncheonette, it feels as if you have entered a time warp and been sent back in time to the US circa 1950. You can sense the energy and casual cheerfulness the minute you walk in the door. The boomerang Formica counters, stainless steel fixtures, soda fountain, and antique jukebox give the restaurant that retro feel. In every way – from the food to the décor – Johnny’s is a throwback of a 1950’s family-style diner.

Johnny’s Luncheonette is a nice cozy place that serves American comfort food at reasonable prices. Due to its location in a quiet suburb, its entire clientele is essentially locals. However, quite a few college kids from Boston College frequent the place due to its proximity to Upper Campus and its rather affordable prices – nothing on the menu is over $11. Lots of restaurants have come and gone in Newton, but ever since its opening in the early 90’s, Johnny’s Luncheonette has enjoyed immense prosperity and the customers seem to keep coming back.

The day we visited the restaurant, it was packed as usual and we had to wait about 15 minutes for a table. Because we were seated in the back, we had the opportunity to pass by the kitchen area where all kinds of familiar brunch items were sizzling away on the griddle. The inviting smells of French toast, hamburgers, bacon, and breakfast omelettes really whet my appetite.

I’ve only been to Johnny’s Luncheonette a few times, but of the times I have gone, I’ve always enjoyed their deli sandwiches. I ordered the hot pastrami on a bulky roll, and it was quite good. The pastrami was exceptionally lean, and in fact, I probably would have liked it more if it were a little fattier. The cole slaw was nothing special though. It wasn’t all that pleasing to the palate and was way too watery.

Jon ordered the hot chocolate and the pastrami scramble, which are shown above. I tried some of the potatoes that came along with his dish, and they were nicely cooked and amazingly buttery. He liked his choice alot, and it was so large that he ended up taking some home in a doggy bag.

I definitely enjoyed brunch at Johnny’s Luncheonette. Although I’ve definitely eaten better pastrami sandwiches at other places even around Newton, the trip was worth it for the atmosphere alone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd like to attest that my potatoes were nicely cooked and amazingly buttery. Buttery.